How Long Does A 5 Stage Filter Last?

RO or reverse osmosis is the most efficient form of water filtration presently. It may be used to remove nearly all forms of water pollutants present in household water. Sediment, germs and viruses, mineral salts, and organic debris, as well as elements like chlorine and fluorine, are all examples.

The osmotic membrane chamber, which is pressurized to roughly 35 psi, removes the majority of the pollutants in the system. The system is dependable in terms of producing high-quality water for water coolers, making it an important home water filtration system.

The 5 stages of RO purifier

As per the headline you already know that this system consists of 5 filters in one unit. Pre-filters, RO Membranes, and Post-filters are the three types of filters that are available. The pre-filter stage comprises three high-efficiency SED and carbon pre-filters whose primary goal is to protect the RO membrane, in addition to filtering out large molecule water pollutants.

Stage 1: 5 Micron polypropylene sediment filter

This is the first step of the system and it is responsible for eradicating the solid substances that are above 5 microns in size. These are usually any sediment in the water, such as sand and metals. The filter can be used for up to six months.

Stage 2: Carbon Water Filter

Pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, and other chemical contaminants found in water are dealt with at this step. lead, aluminium, oils and various other contaminants are also removed by this filter. The reverse osmosis membrane pores are swiftly destroyed by chlorine, whereas the membrane pores are clogged by oils.

The RO membrane is effectively taken care of by eliminating them at this step. The carbon water filter will also remove any lingering taste or odour from your water.

Just like the first filter this filter lasts between 6-9 months.

Stage 4: Osmotic Membrane

This is basically the most crucial part of the system. It does fine filtration. When water enters the chamber, it is pushed through a semipermeable membrane by pressure. Only the tiniest water molecules can flow through this membrane, thus all other pollutants, along with some water, are left behind.

This water, which contains a high percentage of pollutants, is routed out and down the drain. The pure water that goes through the membrane is collected and stored in a pressurized tank. This represents around 75-80% of the water pumped into the system. The membrane has a life expectancy of about 18 months.

Stage 5: Inline Activated Carbon Water Filter

This is the last step of this system. Its objective is to further purify the water through a process known as 'polishing.' Only when the pressurized tank's faucet is turned on does water flow through the stage. This filter then improves the quality of the water by removing any colour, taste, or odour that may have been left behind.

Read Also: What is RO Water Filter

Do you need to clean your RO purifier?

While a RO water purifier acts strongly to provide pure drinking water, the filters inside it also have its own expiration date. These machines require some maintenance every year to ensure that they continue to function properly. Otherwise, you'll be drinking tap water rather than RO water.

How long these filters last usually is determined by the usage patterns. A family of six is likely to drink significantly more water than a family of three. As a result, they may need to replace filters twice as often. The membrane of a reverse osmosis system can last anywhere from two to five years.

The other filters, on the other hand, usually need to be replaced considerably more frequently. The pre-filters in a RO system can last anywhere from six months to a year. It all depends on the quality of the water in your location.

The carbon post-filter should be replaced every few months or so. Sticking to an annual routine is a solid rule of thumb. However, the amount of water used in your home can make a significant difference.

Read Also: How to clean Heron Water Purifier

Signs your water filter stopped working

If you're still not sure if your system is ready for new filters, have a look at these common issues-

Water pressure

Low water pressure is a solid sign that it's time to replace your filter. Although your RO faucet will never be "jet powered," the flow rate must be fast enough.


When you drink reverse osmosis water, you're not ingesting the metals, minerals, or microorganisms found in tap water. Another reason people enjoy the taste of RO water is that it is free of chlorine's odor and taste. If you notice that flavor, it's a sign that your carbon filters need to be replaced. To receive tasty RO water, make it a habit to change those at least once a year.

System always running

If your unit sounds like it's always cycling through water, it's a sign that your RO filters have failed. This is related to your flow rate and efficiency. A better system depends on clean filters.

If you don't change the filter, the system will produce less and less water over time, until it stops generating water altogether.

How long should a RO filter last?

The durability of a filter depends on some factors which are-

  1. How much water one uses everyday
  2. The amount of minerals and sediments in water
  3. The size and capability of your filter

A reverse osmosis system can endure for years, 10 to 15 years, if it is serviced and maintained as parts wear out (such as the faucet and storage tank). Make sure to stick to the membrane filter schedule and sterilize the system once a year. Also RO filters should be replaced every 12 months.

Why should professionals change the filters of RO?

Although many filters appear to be the same, their sizes and construction can differ significantly from one unit to the next. Whatever the case may be, selecting the appropriate filter size and type is critical. Because even the tiniest variation can render the entire system unusable.

Furthermore, the manufacturer's specifications are frequently followed when it comes to filter cartridges. Those standards and instructions are already recognizable to professional technicians. They first determine the type and structure of cartridges and find out the required part.

So you must have installed the RO purifier in hope of getting pure and better tasting water. So if the filter itself isn’t clean then you can’t expect it to do its job. Call your water local water filtration company or RO manufacturers to help cleaning up the filter and ensure better water.

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